Relationship Therapy

relationships-maggie-bakerRelating to one another is as basic as breathing. When you feel good, confident, and focused your relationships usually reflect your experience of well being. When you or someone you care about is upset or unhappy, or if an event happens that impacts the relationship, these change points or critical junctures create opportunities for either self-exploration and growth or for missteps that can have far reaching consequences. Therapy facilitates understanding how you relate to others as well as how others perceive you.

Do you feel sad, confused, or angry that your relationships don’t feel as satisfying as you’d like? Do you keep secrets from your spouse, partner or family and then feel isolated and guilty?

Therapy can help you understand your own needs and reactions so you can effectively assert what you want in your marriage, relationship with friends and with your boss and co-workers.

The first step in therapy is to feel safe and understood. With that foundation it is possible to explore core issues, which will then set you free to make changes where you decide they need to be made.

Book an appointment with Maggie Baker PhD

Contact Maggie Directly at 610-896-9651 or use her contact form here